KWPN Sto 5 år 176 cm Mörkbrun in Wijhe
1 Video

Well educated mare

Annonstyp: Häst till salu
Annons-ID: 4185928
På nätet sedan: 23.08.2024
Annonser samtal: 812
Annons noterad: 2
20.000 € till 40.000 €
20.000 € till 40.000 €
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8131PB Wijhe
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KWPN är en förkortning för stambok av Nederländerna Warmbluts: "Koninklijke Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland". I linje med rasen gå tillbaka mestadels på de inhemska, tunga raserna Gelderlander eller Groningen. Hingstarna är fortfarande ofta korsade från andra varmblod häckningsområden i Europa. ... Mer om hästrasen KWPN
5 år
176 cm
Ausbildungsstand: Z ~ Medelsvar B
Anglo European Studbook (A.E.S.)


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Gut erzogene Stute, direkt vom Züchter.

Onucci ist eine 5 Jahre alte Stute von It's a Pleasure x Nozem. Sie kommt aus dem Mutterstamm von Hexagon's Louisville, der viele Grand Prix Dressurpferde hervorgebracht hat.

Onucci ist ein liebes, arbeitswilliges Pferd, das immer gute Laune hat. Sie ist auf holländischem Z-Niveau ausgebildet, sie beherrscht Schenkelweichen, Schulterherein, Travers, halbe Pässe, Schrittpirouetten, einfache Wechsel. Sie ist einfach zu reiten in einer fremden Umgebung, liebt es zu hacken, allein oder mit anderen.

Sie ist vertraut mit dem Hufschmied und Zahnarzt, sie benimmt sich immer sehr gut.

Kurzum, eine fantastische, gut erzogene Stute, mit einem Herz aus Gold, die einen nie im Stich lässt!
Well educated mare, straight from the breeder.

Onucci is a 5 year's old mare by It's a Pleasure x Nozem. She comes out of the damline of Hexagon's Louisville who produced a lot of Grand Prix dressage horses.

Onucci is a sweet, work willing horse, always in a good mood. She is trained at Dutch Z level, she know's leg yielding, shoulder in, traver, half passes, walking pirouettes, simple changes. She is easy to ride in a strange environment, loves to hack, alone or with other's.

She is familiar with the farrier and dentist, she is alway's behaving very well.

In short, a fantastic, well educated mare, with a heart of gold, who never let's you down!
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Cavalla ben educata, direttamente dall'allevatore.

Onucci è una cavalla di 5 anni da It's a Pleasure x Nozem. Discende dalla linea di discendenza di Hexagon's Louisville, che ha prodotto molti cavalli da Gran Premio di dressage.

Onucci è una cavalla dolce e disponibile al lavoro, sempre di buon umore. È addestrata a livello di Dutch Z, conosce il cedimento delle gambe, la spalla, il traverso, i mezzi passi, le piroette, i cambi semplici. È facile da cavalcare in un ambiente sconosciuto, ama fare hacking, da sola o in compagnia.

Ha familiarità con il maniscalco e il dentista, si comporta sempre molto bene.

In breve, una cavalla fantastica, ben educata, con un cuore d'oro, che non vi deluderà mai!
Well educated mare, straight from the breeder.

Onucci is a 5 year's old mare by It's a Pleasure x Nozem. She comes out of the damline of Hexagon's Louisville who produced a lot of Grand Prix dressage horses.

Onucci is a sweet, work willing horse, always in a good mood. She is trained at Dutch Z level, she know's leg yielding, shoulder in, traver, half passes, walking pirouettes, simple changes. She is easy to ride in a strange environment, loves to hack, alone or with other's.

She is familiar with the farrier and dentist, she is alway's behaving very well.

In short, a fantastic, well educated mare, with a heart of gold, who never let's you down!




8131PB Wijhe, Overijssel


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